Careers in Code Student Success Stories: Eva Carafa

Hack Upstate
2 min readFeb 21, 2020


Careers in Code Student Success Stories is a series focused on our coding bootcamp graduates. We’re following their progress in the six months after graduation to learn about projects they’re working on, job placements, and other exciting updates. Our first cohort graduated in August 2019.

Careers in Code alum Eva Carafa has had an interesting career trajectory. A former attorney living in New York City, she moved on from this field she wasn’t too fond of to work for various political campaigns as field manager, field director, and campaign manager through the years.

Last March when she joined our coding bootcamp, she came with an interest in learning how consumers interact with and are influenced by content on the internet, “intrigued with the confluence between message and code.”

So what has she been up to since graduating?

“I just started a job with [enterprise SEO company] Terakeet as a Digital Content Specialist. Without a doubt, Careers in Code made a huge difference in my employment prospects,” she said.

“Despite my previous education, I had somehow become a member of the no-longer-even-looking-for-work crowd. I had decided to focus on raising my family. But when they no longer needed me as much and I wanted to return to the workforce, I was unable to get any response from potential employers.”

This was partially because of the 2008 economic crisis, she says, and also because here skills had grown out of date. Careers in Code gave her an opportunity not only to be reskilled, but also to learn the new lingo of office life and how tech has changed business over the years.

In her new role at Terakeet, though she’s not coding in her day-to-day tasks, she’s better able to communicate with her team about topics she had little knowledge of before.

“Before the coding bootcamp, I had a hard time understanding coding as a language as well as a concept, so learning how to understand what coders and techies are saying and translating that into non-tech-speak is a huge advantage in my new workspace. We optimize websites for Google search, which requires tech as well as non-tech expertise.”

“I have so much to contribute, and now I am able to put it to use. I am so grateful for the opportunity Careers in Code created for me.”

Keep up with Eva by connecting with her on LinkedIn.

